3D commerce: What it is and what you can expect

3D commerce: What it is and what you can expect

Have you ever shopped something online and wished you could try it out before you buy? Wouldn't it be nice if you could see what the item looks like in your home on an e-commerce site before you pull out your wallet? Wouldn't you like to see how high your new bookshelf is? Perhaps the shirt you had your eye on would actually look much better than in the picture. What if there was a way to do all that and more? 3D Commerce offers just that!

3D is one of the biggest buzzwords in the world of e-commerce, and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop anytime soon. It is a breakthrough technology whose impact on the way we see and experience trading is constantly evolving with technology. But what exactly is 3D commerce, and how will it change the e-commerce landscape? Here are a few answers.

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What is 3D commerce?

When you shop online, how do you know whether a product fits into your home or matches your style? Simply reading the description is not enough to make the right decision.

3D commerce is a new technology that connects the physical world of retail with the digital world of e-commerce. 3D retail allows online shoppers to enjoy the same experience as in a physical store. Each product is presented in three dimensions so that customers can view it from every angle, zoom in and out, and rotate for a better view. Shoppers can also place the products in a scene (such as a living room), change colors or sizes, and add text (such as their name or brand).

Similarly, augmented reality (AR) technology adds an extra layer to our physical reality. You can imagine the product with all the details in your room. With 3D trading, on the other hand, you simply see the product in your room — there is no background or additional elements. It's like holding a real physical object in your hand (without the feeling).

As more and more people shop online today and have fewer opportunities to interact with products before they physically buy them, 3D retail gives customers more confidence when making a purchase.

Benefits of 3D product customization

The possibilities of 3D commerce are exciting — and as some big names in retail are campaigning for it, it is likely to become a reality sooner rather than later.

In recent years, the way consumers shop online has changed significantly. Millennials are the biggest generation today, and their buying behavior is driving changes in e-commerce.

Millennials have become increasingly familiar with 3D commerce and augmented reality (AR). Research shows that more than 80% of consumers prefer products in a 3D environment to buy.

With more than 5 billion smartphone users worldwide, the expectation of an interactive experience when shopping for products online is growing. For this reason, many brands rely on 3D commerce.

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Boost your revenue with 3D product visualization

3D product visualization makes product images look more realistic by giving the images depth. This allows customers to view products from different angles, which helps them make buying decisions faster and easier. That's why retailers like Adidas are already using this technology to bring their online stores to life.

When you can look at a product from all angles, you know exactly what it looks like and what you can expect. This applies in particular to clothing. Customers appreciate being able to look at certain fabrics up close or zoom in on details that are not visible at first glance.

What are the challenges of 3D product presentation for eCommerce?

With the advent of 3D printing, many e-commerce companies are moving 3D product modele to improve the shopping experience. Before embarking on this path, however, there are a few challenges to consider.

The first challenge is ensuring that the 3D model accurately represents your product. The model must be built from scratch, and it must rotate in every direction so that customers can get a good look at your product. If you sell a handmade item or an item with slight variations, it will be difficult to create a 3D model that accurately represents all items.

Another challenge is ensuring that consumers have access to a device on which they can view the 3D model. Since most consumers don't have access to augmented reality (AR) devices, it's best to use our model viewing service, for example, to view your product in full screen mode so customers can see the entire object without having to rotate it themselves. It is available for desktop and smartphone and offers a better product experience than a 2D image.

How to get started with 3D commerce

The e-commerce market is becoming increasingly crowded, so retailers must find innovative solutions to stand out. 3D retail has the potential to revolutionize online shopping, just as it did in the early days of online shopping. With 3D commerce, retailers can create a realistic experience where consumers have complete control over the product they're looking at and helps them buy with more confidence. The challenge is to achieve this without breaking the marketing budget.

3D images can be presented to buyers in various ways, and each type has its own advantages. They can be displayed on a website, such as a product page, or they can be shown as part of a virtual reality experience in a store.

Once your assets are created and the product is ready to sell, the next important step is strong marketing. We recommend hiring a 3D advertising agency like us. Not only can we help you create professional 3D images of your products, but we can also help you professionally implement 3D marketing campaigns at significantly lower costs than traditional marketing companies.

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