3D product visualization: optician mirror


Lyz World GmbH



The launch of the “lyz for glasses” product series, tailor-made for the optician market, required the creation of sophisticated product visualizations in a specifically designed optician shop environment. The task included the development of digital images of the products “optician mirror as a room divider on a table”, “contact lens mirror embedded in the table” and a personalized “lasered mirror with slogan and glasses.” After a detailed briefing process, the customer's wishes and ideas were recorded. The team of designers then created a concept that was realistically implemented by the 3D team. In the further review runs, in close coordination with the customer, we were able to develop a scene that not only highlights the product features, but also builds an emotional bond with the potential buyer. This project impressively demonstrates the efficiency and added value of digital visualizations compared to traditional product photography by offering a versatile and cost-optimized solution for product presentation and advertising on various platforms.

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